martes, 21 de agosto de 2007

“Let’s talk about sex baby...”

Sex is one of these kinds of topics that everybody would like to talk and at the same time is ashamed. But I am not ashamed moreover I think that a lot of young (and not only) people will enjoy reading this short essay.
Why do we make love? One of the most known Polish sexuologist pointed six reasons why we decide to start making love:

  1. Because of the need of nature. Some people strongly believe that making love is as necessary as the need to drink and eat everyday…Why? Maybe because of the society that put pressure on them. They feel more ashamed to be virgin that to make love just with “somebody” because this is the rule.
  2. Because they are looking for pleasure. Some of people think that this pleasure will fulfill the loneliness in their life, which will bring the never ending happiness. Is it possible?
  3. Because they want to check how it is to do the “thing that everybody is doing”. I can promise that this curiosity can bring more damages than happy moments and elation.
  4. Because young people thanks to making love want to be independent and mature. But do not forget that maturity doesn’t start in the bed but in the real life, in every step by step with your girl/boy, in building the trust and love in small things, details. To be adult you should be responsible for your life, since the beginning till the end and also what can be even more important, to be responsible for the person who decided to share the body and bed with you.
  5. Because of the promise that “we love each other”. So common sentence. Sometimes it’s told without feelings, sometimes so deep and true. How to recognize if it’s true? If you hesitate about this…so the answer is easy…

So…how to do this? In which moment of your life? If you are not sure…just wait…The best moment is when you are really sure and confident. Not only sure of the feelings or the person...but also about yourself. The most beautiful moments in our lives are these that we have to wait for. Finally we can enjoy and appreciate them more. The best feelings- these that we experience everyday. The first time can be the most amazing if you combine love, passion and friendship together. One of the ancient philosophers told: “Real friends its one soul in two bodies, perfect couple is two souls in one body”. What do you think about the combination- two people, one couple, one soul and one body? This can be just real perfection and happiness!

lunes, 20 de agosto de 2007

Libertad 1 - 0 Represión

Hola a tod@s!

Estos días me ha llamado la atención bastantes noticias que podemos denominar como "interesantes", me refiero a la crisis económica de gran parte de las entidades d crédito en EEUU, los catastróficos terremotos en Perú, los "accidentales" fuegos en todo el litoral mediterráneo... sin embargo, y sin que quiera ello decir que esta noticia que voy a comentar tenga más repercusión o importancia, me gustaría escribir un par de lineas sobre el partido de fútbol jugado entre el equípo nacional femenino de Afganistán contra el de Pakistán. Lo de menos es el resultado, pues si soy sincero, ni lo recuerdo, pero para los estudiosos de la estadística diré que ganó Afganistán 2-0. Lo mejor: el hecho en sí.
Lo que más me sorprende es que ahí donde ni la política, ni las relaciones exteriores de dichos países, ni la guerra, ni la paz... han llegado, llegó el fútbol. Posiblemente ahora mismo el colectivo femenino en España esté pensando ¡no saben a dónde van! ya que el tormento en forma de televisión y radio que sufren en nuestro país es incluso "agresivo". A parte de las bromas que se nos ocurran, lo cierto es que se ha estado jugando un partido contra la represión, se ha finiquitado una cuestión que parecía ni imaginarse sólo unos meses atrás, y todos aquellos y aquellas que defienden la libertad, la democracia, los "buenos principios", la educación y la cultura de paz entre individuos, hemos celebrado y celebraremos este gol como si fuera el de la final más valorada, o como aquel que nos dió la "salvación". En este enlace podréis leer algo más acerca de todo esto que os estoy comentando. Entre tanta falsedad y negocio infiltrado en este deporte tan bonito y vibrante, cuando tenemos la oportunidad de ver que el fútbol unió o permitió lo que ninguna institución o antigua tradición pudo... podemos decir ¡que viva el fútbol!.

Un fuerte saludo, y gracias por el interés mostrado en el blog. Sé que algunos estáis preparando pequeños comentarios para compartir en este foro abierto lo bueno o malo que os parecen las cosas que pasan en nuestra vida.

Samuel Sánchez.

martes, 7 de agosto de 2007

watch out! your dream is coming!


At first, thank you Dagmara... is not so easy to write what you discovered in your staying in Canada.... for sure those amazing paisages and mountains are as big as your problems of living in a different country with "strange" culture and traditions... That is why, as you wrote, it appears this questión inside our heads: why i came here? it was perhaps a crazy idea? The only thing that You know is that actually You arrived there, and You have to "survive" using some kind of sayings like "its gonna help me to became a perfect manager", or "this experience will lead me to the glory. " We can not agree to this concept. Canada, Spain, Poland or Soutafrica will not change you... but probably your behaviour and your way to confront each "paisage" and your way to "see" every "montain" will reveal you the perfect answear for those questions above mentioned.
I am not writing this ´cause i just had "the great phylosopher" inside me while i was writing... I remind my own "suffering" when i was in Belgium, Poland... and, of caurse, i know that you are thinking "my experience is different, even harder"... But if you remember your own words, you have written that something is changing inside you when you start looking at the situation with "another eyes"...Maybe your faith gave you? perhaps your attitude? I just know that "the positive argue" will take you from loneliness to well-being, and as far as we know, friendship and love are our weapons too.
I´m sure that thanks to your commentary, many people will receive forces to cross "rivers", "mountains"... even "Continents" You. A wisdom friend told me "be carefull with your dreams, they may become real"...

P.S Everybody should come to spain, "is de bes" (is the best) we do not have mountains, indeed.

Samuel Sánchez

“We dream as we live-lonely”

XXI century, big city, Canada.. Is it possible to feel lonely?? Now I know that it’s more than possible. I left my friends, my family, my love and I went to another city, another country even another continent. I was looking for a nice experience abroad that in the future would give me a prestigious job. Finally I found…loneliness. At the beginning I was so scared… I didn’t know how to manage the situation, what to do with the time. I was waiting for any call or e-mail. After so many evenings crying in darkness I saw the light… I realized that maybe there is a deeper sense in my "loneliness". Maybe in fact it’s not loneliness, maybe is just the time for me to start friendship with...myself- quite nice girl that I didn’t know or I didn’t want to know. It doesn’t mean that now I do not cry or that I do not wait for my "Love" to come here… No!! I still do but this time it’s different. I am much more patient and strong. I believe that everybody had or will have this kind of moment in the life. But do not worry! You will see that if you really want, your "loneliness" can teach you how to appreciate every sunset and sunrise as it happened in my life.
Ps. Thank you for the support, love and faith!!! Without you it wouldn’t have been possible!

sábado, 4 de agosto de 2007


¡Hola a tod@s!

Me gustaría daros la bienvenida a todos y todas los que habéis tenido la valentía o la coincidencia de "caer" en este blog. Con sinceridad, no sé como se desarrollará el contenido de este blog, sin embargo, si me gustaría adelantar que el objetivo es conocer tu opinión, independientemente si eres español, africano, asiático o americano, un "cerebrito" o una persona sin mucha preocupación por lo que ocurre a nuestro alrededor, musulmán, cristiano, humanista, o sencillamente ateo, etc. Por todo ello, te invito a que cuándo tú quieras y cómo tu quieras (con una única norma: respeta la opinión de los demás aunque no coincida con la tuya) expongas cualquier cosa que se te ocurra acerca de todo lo que te rodea, tu vecino, tu deporte favorito, tu fe, tu música, tus ideales... ya que, en medio de toda esa lluvia de conceptos, seguramente encontremos un puente de comunicación y crecimiento los unos con los otros.

Un abrazo a todos los locos y locas que, desde hoy, quieran dejar su pequeña o gran huella en este proyecto tan reciente, y por qué no decirlo, ¡tan barato!

S. Sánchez García.